Contact us
Contact Teknologkåren
If you have opinions, thoughts, complaints or questions, you can contact us.

If you have general questions or do not know where to turn, you can contact our Receptionist.
Read more about the administrative office.

If you have complaints, suggestions, questions or feel that something is not right regarding your education, you can contact the Head of educational affairs. Read more.

Whether it is physical or mental, our Main Student Safety Representative is here for you when it comes to the study environment. Read more.
If you as a company or student association want to spread student-relevant information via our media, contact the Head of information and marketing for help and more info.

The management team consists of up to 8 elected representatives who work full time to improve your study time. You will find their office on the second floor in Studenternas Hus and you as a student can come by if you want to contact the management team in person.
The Management Team
The Union Board works hierarchically under the Union Council. The Union Board consists of 6 members: the President of Teknologkåren, the Vice President of Teknologkåren, the Union Board chairman and four board members. The Union Board meets several times a year at so called Union Board meetings. The meetings are decision-making meetings, where the Union Board, among other things, takes a position on various applications that is submitted.
The Union BoardDo you as a company want to collaborate with Teknologkåren? Look no further! We have several different offers and packages that you can use to reach a large range of students. Read more.

Do you have questions regarding the organization in large? Contact the President of Teknologkåren.
Luleå ArbetsmarknadsVecka, more known as "LARV", is our work fair and is the largest yearly event at Luleå University of Technology. LARV takes place the third week of January each year, where the work fair takes place on Wednesday.
The Administrative Office is owned by Teknologkåren and is located on the first floor of Studenternas Hus. Here you can get answers about when you can buy ovve, buy union membership or get your keys from Studentbostadsservice.
Read more.