
The Unit of Corporate Affairs handles Teknologkårens corporate issues. As students at a university we have quite a few things in common, like for example the goal of getting into the working life as quickly as possible. Teknologkåren works to give you the opportunity to develop your network: Everyone shall have the possibility to establish contact with the labor market. A great way to increase your network of contacts is via our work fair LARV (Luleå ARbetsmarknadsVecka) that we arrange the third week of January. We also arrange a lot of other corporate events where you can further broaden your network. The students that engage in Teknologkårens business activities have a great insight with the companies that are of interest for future employment. Students at Luleå University of Technology are highly appreciated in the labor market, and will remain that way.
The Unit of Corporate Affairs
Here you as a company can read more about how you together with Teknologkåren can reach the technology students in Luleå. We are constantly working to give our members, and other students here at Luleå University of Technology, the possibility to meet companies and open their eyes to the possibilities that the labor market offers.
For companies
Luleå ArbetsmarknadsVecka, more known as "LARV", is our work fair and is the largest yearly event at Luleå University of Technology. LARV takes place the third week of January each year, where the work fair takes place on Wednesday. LARV's goal is to help students kickstart their careers and help organization find the competence of tomorrow. LARV is a week filled with career related events, inspiring lectures and the work fair that involves over 110 exhibitors and over 2000 students each year.
Teknologkåren collaborates with many companies, but here you can find the ones whom we collaborates a little extra.
Our partners